A grisly end
As the wolf charges towards you, you desperately try to stand your ground, your hands shaking with fear. You hold up your arms in a feeble attempt to defend yourself, but it’s no use – the wolf is too strong and too fast.
With a deafening roar, the wolf launches itself at you, its razor-sharp teeth bared and ready to tear into your flesh. You try to dodge out of the way, but it’s too late. The wolf sinks its teeth into your neck, its jaws clamping down with crushing force. You feel a searing pain as its teeth pierce your skin, and you let out a blood-curdling scream.
The wolf drags you to the ground, its claws tearing at your clothing and skin. You struggle to break free, but its grip is too tight. The wolf tears and rips at you with savage fury, shredding your flesh into a bloody, mangled mess.
As you take your last breath, you realize that your journey has ended here, in the heart of the forest, consumed by the very danger that Maganwyth had warned you about. Your name will be forgotten, lost to the annals of time, a cautionary tale to those who dare to venture too far into the unknown.